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About Product

ARNICA MONTANA, a product offered by SBL in a 30ML liquid form, is a homeopathic remedy renowned for its efficacy in Wound and Pain Relief. Suitable for all animals, ARNICA MONTANA is crafted from high-quality homeopathic ingredients, ensuring a safe and natural approach to animal healthcare. Animeal proudly presents this product, emphasizing its commitment to quality and animal wellness.


Arnica Montana: The sole active ingredient, known for its potent anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, beneficial in treating a range of conditions from muscle soreness to bruises.

Features and Benefits

Key Features: Natural Pain Relief: Offers effe...

Key Features:

Natural Pain Relief: Offers effective management of pain and inflammation.
Easy Administration: Liquid form allows for straightforward dosage adjustments.
Versatile: Suitable for a variety of animals, addressing issues like bruises, muscle cramps, and post-injury discomfort.
Safe: Extensively used in homeopathy with a low risk of side effects when used appropriately.
Uses and Benefits:
ARNICA MONTANA is primarily used to alleviate pain and inflammation in animals. It is particularly effective in treating conditions like arthritis, sprains, and muscle soreness. This aligns with Animeal’s mission of supporting the well-being of pets and aiding veterinarians in their practice.

Usage and Applications

How to Use: Consultation with a veterinarian is...

How to Use:
Consultation with a veterinarian is essential before use. The dosage and frequency will depend on the animal's size and condition, highlighting Animeal’s endorsement of professional veterinary advice.

Mechanism of Action:
ARNICA MONTANA acts by increasing blood flow to the affected area, aiding in reducing inflammation and accelerating healing. This approach is in line with Animeal’s dedication to informed and natural pet care.

Safety Advice:
While generally safe, avoid use on broken skin or open wounds. Be cautious in animals with a history of bleeding disorders. Always adhere to prescribed dosages and consult a veterinarian for any concerns.

About the Brand:
SBL, the manufacturer of ARNICA MONTANA, aligns with Animeal’s standards for high-quality, natural veterinary products, ensuring safe and effective remedies.

Animeal’s Prescription Policy:
Animeal offers this homeopathic medicine post-verification of a valid prescription, reflecting their commitment to responsible pet care.

Animeal provides accurate information, but this should not replace professional veterinary advice. Consult a veterinarian for health-related queries, as Animeal supports, not replaces, the doctor-patient relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ARNICA MONTANA safe for all animals?

Yes, when used as directed and under veterinary guidance, it is safe for various animals.

How does ARNICA MONTANA work?

It increases blood flow and reduces inflammation, aiding in pain relief and healing.

Can ARNICA MONTANA be used for chronic conditions like arthritis?

Yes, it's beneficial for chronic conditions like arthritis and muscle soreness.

How should ARNICA MONTANA be stored?

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.