Owning a pet feels like a blessing because of the perks that our fluffy friends provide us. They never miss an opportunity to make us feel loved in every little way. Given all the benefits of being a pet owner, it is also essential to understand the responsibilities that come along. Being a pet owner is almost equivalent to being a parent of a kid, you need to take care of all the requirements before you bring a pet into your life.
If you are someone who loves dogs and is planning to bring new puppy home, do read the article so that you do not miss out on anything important. Let’s dive in.
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- Set your mind
Bringing a puppy home can be a big decision so before you make up your mind on something, do extensive research on the pros and cons according to your lifestyle. If you are someone who has a busy work schedule, will you be able to look after the puppy completely? Like any baby,they require a lot of attention and training at an early age.
You might have to align your schedule with theirs and understand their feeding and other basic needs. In any case, when you are not around them, who will be responsible for taking care. If they are not fed on time or proper exercise and hygiene is not provided, they might fall sick and it can affect their overall health. With that, a lot of patience is what you will require when you bring them home. They might not understand how to behave in a certain manner and react oddly.
Yes, it’s true that these furry beings are extremely adorable but they do need dedicated efforts from your side.
- Considering Adoption
It is always a good option to ponder on adopting a puppy rather than buying a new one. Today, many pet lovers are opting for adoption because why not? Many small babies are left alone due to the death of their mothers or some accidents, giving them the love of a family is like the best thing to do.
If you have set your mind on adoption, consider visiting a recognized rescue shelter, you might find your friend waiting for you there. Do not look for puppies in a flea market as those puppies do not have a recognized background and they may carry unknown diseases. Before you adopt them, clear out all the paperworks properly.
- Choosing the right breed and other considerations
Once you have made up your mind on adoption, think about the breed that you prefer. Do you want a purebred or a mixed breed dog? There are a variety of breed sizes available but it is important to consider the space in your apartment or house that the dog will require plus the basic requirements which may affect their growth.
For large breed dogs like Great dane, you will need more space for them to stretch, enjoy and carry their activities but for small breed dogs you might not need a lot of outdoor space but taking care of them so that they do not meet any accidents or fall ill, is important. Shedding of coat is also a considerable factor here. Are you ready for it?
You also need to decide as per your budget and lifestyle. Some dog breeds require a lot of attention and care and can not be left much alone, so if you have a busy schedule, do not opt for such breeds.
- Diseases in breed
A puppy is similar to a human child when talking about diseases. It is essential to look for the common diseases before you choose a dog breed. Some breeds are comparatively very less prone to severe diseases.
Puppies can contain some common diseases, especially in the first year. Ensure to look for a good veterinarian that will help you to take proper care of the baby. They will be able to suggest you the right medication in case of any disease.Here is a list of some of the most common diseases in puppies that you must look for carefully -
- Parvo
- Distemper
- Diarrhea
- Kennel cough
- Vomiting
- Fleas
- Ticks
- Finding an ethical breeder
It is necessary to look for an ethical breeder that will help you choose the best match. An ethical breeder is the one who follows all the legal terms and conditions. Sometimes, breeders tend to hide the actual information about the puppies and it might happen that the puppy bears some kind of disease due to genetics. They must be honest in disclosing the details about the puppy and suggest the one that suits your lifestyle.
Always check for the necessary documents that are required for an ethical breeder and have a complete background check to ensure safety. They must be ready to take the pet afterwards, if needed.
- Have a puppy proof home
Now that you know about the basic things for making the first step, the next step involves taking care of the living environment. It is essential to protect your puppy from all the harmful corners in the house. Always try to be around them while they are playing, although it is better to not let them roam in the house when they are too small. They may not be aware of the danger around and fall into a trap.
Make a friendly space for them where they can play while not harming themselves. Remove all the cables and dangerous cleaning products that might come in their contact. Ensure to eliminate their contact with hazardous products that they can chew. If by chance, they happen to chew or eat any of these products, take them immediately to the vet.
Make sure they do not harm themselves in the garden while playing.Poisonous plants must not be kept in their access. Puppies should not have access to playing only in the home premises and not on roads where they might get hurt due to vehicles. Create a dog house or some space for them which gives them enough area to sleep and relax properly.
- Timely vaccination
Vaccines are very important to protect the dog’s immune system from diseases. It has a major impact on their overall growth. A puppy needs to have its first vaccine at the age of 6-8 weeks and then three weeks till the age of four months. The important ones are for - Bordetella, Canine influenza, Leptospirosis, Lyme disease, rabies. Some of them depend upon the lifestyle of the dog.
After vaccination, some mild symptoms can be seen that vanish with time but do visit the vet, if they become severe. A fully vaccinated puppy will be safe from harmful diseases, so make it a point to complete their vaccines on time. Your vet will help you to understand the schedule for your puppy. Ensure to take them to your vet at regular intervals for check up.
- Grooming and care
While there are a number of things that you need for your new friend, it is better to make a checklist of all the essentials. Your puppy’s physical growth is necessary so bring them some toys and create a safe space for them to play around. Stock up on items like- dog shampoos, blankets, puppy food, food bowls, collar and tag, toothpastes and combs, poo bags, etc. Ask your vet to suggest some good pet products that will suit your pet.
Make it a point to have regular vet visits. Do not forget to give them proper training for eating and using the toilet. Rewards and punishments will make them understand better. Teach them basic etiquettes on how to behave and how to socialize. Take care of their diet and be consistent with a routine. They must be aware of how to behave with other dogs and guests coming to your home. Give them complete home training, play and spend time with them as much as possible so that they never feel left out.
To summarize, when you decide to get your first puppy, let this sink in that you are completely responsible for their health and well being. Remember to follow the above mentioned points and do a thorough research. It is natural to shower love on your puppy but do not forget to give them their space. We hope you will have an amazing experience of becoming a pet owner of these extremely adorable beings.