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About Product

OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP, an advanced eye and ear care solution, is specifically formulated for dogs and cats. This product, containing Tobramycin 3 mg (0.3%), is a testament to CORISE's commitment to quality, aligning with Animeal's dedication to offering superior veterinary products and services.


Tobramycin (0.3%): A potent aminoglycoside antibiotic used to treat or prevent eye infections.

Features and Benefits

Key Features: Effective Against Eye Infections...

Key Features:

Effective Against Eye Infections: Ideal for treating conditions like cherry eye, eyelid disease, and bacterial conjunctivitis.
Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial: Active primarily against gram-negative and some gram-positive aerobic microorganisms.
Trusted Brand: CORISE's reputation for quality adds reliability to this product.
Uses and Benefits:
OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP is used for treating various ophthalmic conditions in dogs and cats, including dacryocystitis, secondary infections, viral/allergic conjunctivitis, red eye, eye discharge, and eye boogers. It inhibits bacterial growth and multiplication by suppressing the synthesis of protein, thereby killing bacteria rapidly. This aligns with Animeal’s mission to support pet health and wellness, providing a reliable solution for veterinary care.

Usage and Applications

How to Use: The recommended dosage in mild to m...

How to Use:
The recommended dosage in mild to moderate inflammation is 1-2 drops every 4 hours. In acute infection, 2 drops every hour, followed by 1-2 drops every 4 hours after improvement. Treatment typically lasts for 5 to 10 days. Always consult a veterinarian for the correct usage and monitor your pet's response to the medication. Animeal encourages responsible pet care through veterinary consultation.

Mechanism of Action:
Tobramycin works by inhibiting the synthesis of essential proteins needed by bacteria to survive, effectively stopping bacterial growth and multiplication.

Safety Advice:
While OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP is generally safe, it's important to watch for signs of allergic reactions or side effects. Regular veterinary check-ups are recommended to ensure the safety and efficacy of the treatment.

About the Brand:
CORISE is renowned for its commitment to quality and efficacy in veterinary pharmaceuticals, aligning perfectly with Animeal’s standards for high-quality veterinary care products.

Animeal’s Prescription Policy:
Animeal provides OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP post verification of a valid prescription, emphasizing responsible and informed pet care.

While Animeal strives to provide accurate and trustworthy information, this should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your veterinarian for health-related questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP used for in pets?

It's used for treating various eye conditions, including infections and inflammations.

How often should OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP be administered?

The dosage varies; consult your veterinarian for precise instructions.

Is OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP safe for both dogs and cats?

Yes, it's formulated for both dogs and cats.

Are there any side effects of OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP?

Monitor for allergic reactions and consult a vet if you notice any unusual symptoms.

Do I need a prescription to purchase OPTHOCARE MONO EYE DROP from Animeal?

Yes, a valid prescription is required.

About Corise

Introducing Corise, where pet well-being takes center stage. With a history built on a genuine love for pets, we're committed to their health and happiness. Our innovative product range, carefully crafted with your pet's needs in mind, ensures they thrive every day. What truly sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability; Corise products are made with the finest natural ingredients and eco-conscious practices. Choose Corise as your trusted partner in pet care. Explore our exceptional range today and give your pets the love and care they deserve. Join us in enhancing pets' lives with Corise. Your pet's well-being starts here.